Delea Finance
Unlock TON liquidity with $DONE stablecoin
How Delea Finance works?
Mint DONE stablecoin
Deposit collateral, mint $DONE and unlock liquidity without selling it.
Earn with DONE
Access DeFi rewards with stablecoin by utilizing multi-protocol investment strategies.
Repay your $DONE whenever you want to withdraw your collateral and retain full control of your assets.
Supported Collateral Assets
Leverage $DONE, Boost your Earnings!
Earn %APR
Earn %APR
Fee: 0%

Delea is a decentralized borrowing protocol where you can deposit TON, jBTC and jETH as collateral to mint $DONE, an over-collateralized stablecoin. This allows you to unlock liquidity and participate in DeFi without selling your TON.
In Delea, over-collateralization means that the value of your collateral (TON, jBTC, jETH) must be higher than the amount of $DONE stablecoin you mint. Specifically, your collateral must be at least 125% of the value of the $DONE you borrow. This ensures the stability of the system, protecting both the protocol and users from market volatility. If the value of your collateral drops too much, you may need to add more collateral to avoid liquidation.
For now, you can use $TON, jBTC and jETH as collateral to mint $DONE.
If your Health Factor reaches 1.25, your position will be liquidated. Delea will collect fees from your collateral and transfer it to liquidators, who will provide an equivalent amount of $DONE back to the protocol. Delea will then burn the $DONE to keep the price and collaterization stable. You can still use the $DONE you minted, but your original collateral will not be returned. More about liquidation read here.
A 1% fee is charged for debt repayment, a borrowing fee (4% annually) is charged based on the number of days the borrower position remains open, and 10% is charged additionally if the position is liquidated.
Once we list our native token, we will reward LEA points holders with an airdrop.
$DONE gets TON liquidity
with 0% Deposit & Borrow fees